Q:  How does animal communication work, that is, how can you tell what my animal is thinking or feeling?

A:  The connection is telepathic. Everything is energy, and I pick up on what your animal is thinking and feeling through energy. I receive your animal’s thoughts, sense his feelings, hear words, and see images. Sometimes the process involves taste. My body feels the sensations that your animal is feeling.  I did a communication with a dog and felt his throat was very tight and sore, and I almost couldn’t swallow. In fact, the dog was ill, and did have a hard time swallowing.

Horses have shown me images of what they want or don’t want to do. One horse showed me that he didn’t like to be ridden by one specific person. One cat just adored her person so much and wanted to be carried around all the time, which the person confirmed with me. It’s wonderful to sense their emotional states, what they love doing or don’t like doing. 

Q:  Can you teach me how to talk to my animal?

A:  In our phone consultation, I do give you ideas on how to talk to your pet that are wonderful for both of you.One comment I often receive is, “Our bond is so much stronger now.I really understand him so much better.” 

Q: How do you talk with the animal if we do it over the phone? Does the animal need to be able to hear your voice?  Do I put the receiver near the animal’s ear?

A:  Your animal companion does not have to be near the phone. I pick up thoughts, feelings, images and words that your animal is thinking and feeling. Your animal doesn’t even have to be in the room. I once talked with a woman in Utah, and her horse was in Massachusetts.

Q:  How are you able to pick my animal out of the crowd?

A:  Usually I’ll tell you something about your animal that identifies him as your animal. I may sense a distinct personality trait or a behavior that he does. I do want to make sure I have your animal so I try to give you a sense of her essence in our conversation.

Q:  Do you have to meet my animal in person?

A:  No. I do most consultations on the telephone. Occasionally, I make a trip to meet some animals; it is wonderful to do this in person too!

Q:  Can you talk to my animal while he is sleeping?  

A:  Yes. Many animals, I have been told, have gone to sleep while I am talking to their person on the phone. Each animal is different. Some animals leave the room. Some animals stay in the room. It varies.

Q:  Isn't the conversation just based on what I tell you about my animal? In other words, do you typically provide insight that I haven't given you beforehand?

A:  It is helpful if you give me as much information as possible about behavior, health or other concerns you have. I can tell you what your animal feels and thinks about any situation you are concerned about. A consultation often provides insight into situations that you have not told me about beforehand. Your animal companion may tell me things he wants you to know, that you have not mentioned to me.

Q:  Why do you do this work?

A:  Our animal friends are here to bring us joy and love.  I feel that animal communication has changed the lives of the many people and animals I have worked with. It is an honor to do this heart-felt work — helping people and their animal friends understand each other better.

Q:  Is this a "God-given" gift or can anyone be trained to do this?

A:  I truly feel that anyone who is open to this wonderful work can do it. One needs good training and a fine teacher who teaches you the tools and techniques of animal communication.

Q:  Can you see an animal on the street and know what he is thinking?

 A:  No.  When I do the communications, I have a way of opening myself to the communication and then closing my energy at the end of the communication.  I don’t want to be walking around like an open vessel all day long.

Q:  What type of animals have you worked with? Is there any type of animal that you cannot work with?

A: I have worked with dogs, cats, horses, lizards, birds (parakeets, pelicans, seagulls, cockatoos, owls, blue herons, cockatiels) and even insects including wasps, flies and ants. I don’t believe there is any animal an animal communicator cannot work with. I would love to work with every animal in the world! Once a friend had animals eating her vegetable garden and I gave her some tools to have them stop eating her vegetables.  She took the suggestions, and the animals never bothered her garden again.

Q:  Will my animal react when you're speaking with her?

A:  Sometimes animals go to sleep. Sometimes, I’ve been told, they come closer to you. I have heard so many different stories on their reactions. There is no one reaction that is most common.

Q: What if I am skeptical about animal communication?

A: I would ask that you be as open minded as possible so the communication can proceed easily, and the results can be helpful for both you and your animals. I have found that negative thoughts can cloud the communication. It is fine to be skeptical; that is normal. Yet as we proceed, I think you will be excited by what you hear and feel.

Q:  Can you speak to animals that are lost, or have died?

A:  Yes. I have spoken to animals that have died. The very first communication I ever did in training was with an animal that had died. The person said, “My cat died and I wanted to know why she didn’t like her food.”  I closed my eyes and the cat said, “My food was too hard, but that doesn’t matter.  Tell her that my favorite place to sit was by her knee.” I told the cat’s person what she said, and the person said, “ Oh my gosh, that was her favorite spot!” That was the beginning of communicating with animals that have transitioned. I have assisted some people with lost animals too.

Q:  How do you "translate" what my animal has to say?

A:  I try to put it in easy terms for you to understand.  Often I will ask the animal, “ How do you want me to say this to your person?" I will just report what your animal companion says. I, personally, may not understand what she means, but you will understand what she is saying.

Q:  How should I prepare my animal for the session?

A:  There is nothing you need to do to prepare for the session.  I will ask you what type of animal, age, colorings, the length of time you have had your animal and any other questions that I feel are important. If you can be in a quiet room with no interruptions, that is helpful.

Q: Do you do this type of communication on people too?

A:  No. I love people, of course, but I prefer to do this work only with animals.

Q:  What are the kinds of issues you are able to or most comfortable exploring with an animal? What are issues or topics that you do not get involved with?

A:  I am comfortable exploring any issue you have questions about: behavior, training, health, end of life and the list goes on... Honestly, anything you have a question about, I will ask your animal.  Any topic you bring up is fine. The animal may also want you to know certain things about her, which she will tell me and then I will tell you.

Q:  How do issues get resolved?

A:  Often issues are resolved by your really listening to what your animal says he needs and understanding how he feels.  Sometimes that is enough for your pet to change. We want to work together, you and I, to help your animal and to help you resolve whatever issues you are concerned about. This is an incredible gift for both of you. Once you act upon what your animal says, things usually change.

Q:  What should I expect from your first session with my animal?

A:  To have any of your questions answered and to find out what your animal wants you to know about him.

Q:  How does my animal's contact with you affect my animal? Does he or she wonder who is this person showing up in my energy field?

A: I have never spoken to an animal who wasn’t delighted to be understood and to finally have a place to say what he wants and needs.  Occasionally, an animal who is ill may not talk as much, but he definitely gives me information that is invaluable to his human companions.

Q:  Are you able to heal an animal that is sick, maybe not dying, but ill?

A: Animals who are ill may be quiet, but they still communicate to me in terms of images. I do Reiki, which is energy healing, remotely and teach you how to do it for your animal. This doesn’t necessarily heal your animal, but it can be helpful.  Often the animal tells me what he needs, and many animals feel healed already, even though in people terms, they may not be. They experience illness very differently from the way humans do and may be much more accepting of it. They often want you to see them as well and to see the essence of who they really are, not as a sick animal, but the animals they really are, which is whole and healthy.

Q: How many sessions do you need before you can fully communicate with my pet and resolve any issues?

A:  It really depends what the issues are. I ask you to send me an email from 1 to 3 weeks after our communication so I know what changes occurred.  Usually a second session is not needed. People do call me up for repeat consultations when other questions arise.

Q:  Have you noticed any trends with certain kinds of animals: cats, dogs, horses, etc.? Are some easier or harder to communicate with than others? Any differences in communicating with male or female animals?

A:  Each animal is unique, just as people are. They are so excited to have someone to talk to that I have never had an animal that doesn’t communicate to me. There are no differences in communicating with male or female animals.

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